Tips To Maintain Car In Changing Seasons

With the change in seasons, the car gets affected and needs some measures to be taken to help it function smoothly. Different weather causes the car to require different things to keep it functioning smoothly without any issues. There are some parts which get heavily affected during the different weather condition like the tires and batteries. Here are some tips to ensure that the car keeps up with the changing seasons.

The first and most important thing to do before or after a season ends is to get it serviced. The car requires to be in best shape to face the next season coming up. In summer, the car is exposed to extreme heat and requires to be cooled down better. During winter, the battery gets worn out due to the cold weather and requires the being driven to charge it. The weather also affects the fluids in the car as their properties might not suit the extreme weather conditions. Being prepared is better than having to face problems and suffering breakdowns at the roadside. Professional mechanics suggest getting the car serviced before the seasons arrive to find out any issues in the car and resolve them before it gets worse.

Making Changes According To Seasons
There are many changes that need to be done when a new season is coming up. First and most important one is getting the engine oil changed. The engine requires to be in top shape for the coming conditions. Secondly, get the right set of tires for the weather condition. For example, in Chicago, the winters are really extreme and requires winter tires to get the required grip to apply the brake on the icy and slippery roads. In summer, the coolant and fluids need to be checked and refilled as they evaporate faster. The brakes and rotors also get affected more during summer due to the excessive heat conditions. Always keep an emergency kit and spare tires in the car to be ready for any situation that may befall you. The car needs to be kept in the garage during the summer to prevent the paint from fading. While in winter, it needs to be started every day to keep the battery charged. Keep the jumper cables in the car during all seasons. Also, check the tread wear of the car before the seasons to know how long they will last. All the necessary fluids like brake fluid, coolant, engine oil need to be checked, replaced, and refilled as required.

These are the basic things that need to be done before the season changes to keep the car prepared and ensure the parts don’t get harmed or wear out. To get the services done, hire a mobile mechanic near you or get the car to a local auto repair shop.


The service records are not always available for all used cars, but if it is available it helps you to know whether the vehicle was maintained regularly or not. It lets you know about the mileage and how frequently the oil changes were done. Once you get to know about the oil change records, it becomes easier for you to know the condition of the engine. If the oil changes were not done on time means that the engine would be worn out. Another thing that the records can help you out with is the timing belt. If the timing belt was replaced, it is good for the car. If not, it cost you a good amount of money. Timing belts are usually changed between 60,000 to 100,000 miles.

Check the car from inside-out for all things necessary before purchasing the used car. This includes checking for leakages, corrosion, burnt oil smell, engine oil level, coolant level etc. This would help understand how the previous owner has maintained the car and you can get most of the idea about the true condition of the car. If you find any of these signs, it is probably not a good idea to purchase that car.

This is a really important thing to check before purchasing a used car. If the used car has been modified, there are chances it is either for the good of the car or to use it for racing or enhance the power. But if it is the latter case, it would mean that the car would face many problems. Plus, there would be a problem in finding the parts for the car.

When you start the car for a test drive or just to check, make sure all the warning lights turn off after the car is started. If the check engine light is one about the car is started, it means that there is something wrong with the car related to engine or the engine itself. It could be anything a minor problem or something major that can cost a large amount of money.

If you don’t have much knowledge about the car and want to get a professional opinion, hire a local mechanic or a mobile mechanic near you to get the used car inspection done. The used car inspection is really important as you spend your hard earned money hoping that the car would last for a couple of years without causing any major problems that can cost a lot of money. It is best to get a professional opinion about the car before making the purchase.

Why Fuel Pumps Are So Expensive?

Fuel performs a major function that helps run the car and it is an integral part of the engine. Here’s explaining the importance and reasons of why the fuel pump is so important and so expensive.

The fuel pump is known to generate constant flow of fuel that reaches the engine. The fuel which is not used is returned back to the tank. The fuel pump reduces the chances of the fuel getting too hot by making sure it is not close to the hot engine for a long time. The fuel pump can be located in the tank or externally. The modern electric fuel pumps can be found inside the fuel tank which is better as it reduces the risk of fire greatly. The electrical components like the fuel-pump can catch fire easily as they can spark and ignite fuel vapours which is why the fuel pump is located in the fuel tank. As the fuel pump is submerged in fuel it can cool the fuel and make sure that it doesn’t overheat. To make sure that the electric fuel pump lasts longer it is important to maintain quarter tank of fuel in the vehicle.

The fuel pump has two purposes mainly which are to generate pressure and volume. The pressure that the fuel pump generates and delivers from the pump along with the volume of fuel must be enough to ensure the performance and emission of the car. The pump does the process of creating pressure and drawing the fuel from the tank which then passes through the fuel lines and fuel filter and are delivered to the fuel injectors at the engine. Then the fuel gets delivered to the cylinder combustion chamber and is ignited.

The fuel pump is really expensive as it is a really important part of the fuel system which performs major functions and is hard to remove and replace. Plus, it is the type of part that can get damaged due to various reasons such as metal bits in the fuel, water in the fuel lines, and poor quality fuel. The cost fuel pump repair varies on the type of damage it has suffered, the engine it supports, and the car. The fuel pumps generally costs are $800 to $2000. Also, the labor charges are really high on such repairs as they are complex auto repairs for the mechanics.

The fuel pump replacement can be done at any local auto repair shop by a mechanic near you or by mobile mechanics near you.


The coolant is really important for the car. It helps to cool down the engine and prevents it from getting overheated. The function of the coolant is to help heat the dispel and cool the engine. It is added to a radiator in along with water in a mixed proportion which helps prevent the water from freezing or boiling at extreme temperatures. The heat generated by the engine is unbearable and the cooling system is depended on the coolant water to cool down the engine when it gets extreme.

The coolant is water and antifreeze mixture which is put in the radiator of a car to cool the engine and parts of the engine. It is highly suggested by the professional mechanics to add them in a 50/50 proportion. If you add more antifreeze to the mixture, it can increase the boiling point and decrease the freezing point. To add them in equal proportion is best as it is suitable for all kinds of weather conditions and other issues that the engine can face.

If the coolant is not present or the level of coolant has decreased, the heat generated by the internal combustion would destroy the engine in a matter of time. The water alone is not enough to keep the temperature under control. The coolant is what makes sure the engine is cool at all temperature levels. Plus, the coolant ensures that there is no corrosion in the internal parts of the engine. It usually requires to be changed at every 30,000 miles and whenever it decreases, you need to add water to it to refill it.

The engine is made of metal and can get corrosion which makes the coolant lose its ability to cool down the engine easily. After a couple of years, when you add coolant to the car and it doesn’t look green and turns orange or red means that the car is in dire requirement of a coolant flush. It is also a sign that there are rust and dust at the bottom of the radiator. This would prevent the coolant from working efficiently and providing the best performance. But if there is a mineral deposit, metal erosion, and gunk buildup in the radiator, it would block it and harm the system’s functioning. It would then result in the engine getting hot and affect the performance of several parts of the car as well as damaged them.

Getting the radiator flushed helps removes all the mineral deposit, metal erosion, gunk from the radiator and also prevents corrosion in the engine. The coolant needs to be flush at an interval of 2 years or 30,000 miles or as recommended by the manufacturer. The coolant should be flushed and all the parts which are related should be replaced accordingly to keep the car functioning smoothly and to prevent the contamination. To get the radiator coolant flushed, you can visit a local auto repair shop and get the service done by a local mechanic near you or hire a mobile mechanic near you to get professional and quick quality service at your home or office wherever you prefer.


An air filter is a part of the car which delivers clean air to the engine. An air filter delivers around 10,000 gallons of clean air for every gallon of gas that the car burns. When the outside air flows through it to enter the engine, it gets filled with dust and debris which causes it to get clogged. When the air filter gets clogged, less air reaches the engine which can cause performance issues and other problems to the car. So it is important to get the air filter replacement done on time. If you don’t the air filter replaced on time, it would result in many problems such as a decrease in mileage, spark plug problems, car starting problems, reduce acceleration power, check engine light will pop-up and the color of the air filter will change. A new air filter is generally white or off-white. It is suggested by mechanics to keep the engine in good condition for a longer period of time, it is necessary to get the air filter replaced on time. To know when to get it replaced, you can check the owner’s manual or consult a professional mechanic near you.

The oil filter is a necessary component of the car which does the job of keeping the oil then enters the engine clean. The oil does a lot of work when the car functions and keeps the parts of the engine from forming carbon and makes sure that the engine doesn’t heat up. The oil keeps the parts of an engine lubricated to make sure you get the best performance and the filter makes sure that the oil is in great condition to ensure that it happens. The oil filter in a way refines the oil and prevents it from contaminating and damaging the engine of the car. Oil filter change intervals are mentioned in the owner’s manual according to the car’s requirement and it is not necessary to get it changed along with the engine oil.

The cabin air filter performs the really important function of cleaning the air entering the vehicle cabin clean. It can be located in various places like the glove compartment, dashboard or under the hood. It does the job of filtering the air then enters the car and prevents things such as dust, pollen, smog and mold spores from entering the cabin. It also prevents the leaves and debris from entering and forming. It helps improve the air quality and prevents major problems from happening. It is necessary to replace the cabin air filter on time and it should be changed every 15,000 to 25,000 miles. It depends on the car and you should always prefer checking the owner’s manual to know such things.

The fuel filter performs the function of filtering the fuel as it reaches from the tank to the engine. It prevents the dirt, dust, rust and other contaminants from settling down at the bottom of the fuel tank. The function of the fuel filter gets harder to perform as the car gets older it can have sediment buildup. This can cause the filter to get clogged and might require you to get it replaced often. The fuel filter is clogged can cause many major problems and affect parts like fuel pump, engine, reduce fuel efficiency, performance and much more. Hence, it is necessary to get the fuel filter replacement done on time.

These are the different types of filters that perform important functions in the car and require to be maintained and replaced on regular intervals. It is also necessary to get them replaced by professional mechanics near you. You can also hire a mobile mechanic near you to get the service at home or office.


Spark plug and battery are two important and integral part of the car. A problem with either of these parts can result in major problems, breakdowns, car not starting etc. Both these parts perform major roles in the car to help the car start and function smoothly. Here are the reasons explaining why these two parts are so important for the car and why to get them replaced on time.

The spark plugs are considered to be durable parts compared to the other parts and they don’t need maintenance or replacement until 30,000 to 100,000 miles. But the spark plugs wear out as the time goes by and weakens in performance. The voltage that the spark plugs initially produced is lower after being used for a good while. It can be known by the signals it shows when it loses its effectiveness. There is trouble while starting the car which might make people think that it could be due to a weak battery, but that is not always the case. If the spark plugs don’t generate enough power, it can drain the battery as well and the car won’t start. The engine would misfire as a result of weak spark plugs. The engine misfiring can cause damage to the exhaust system of the car. Weak spark plugs can also be identified when there is a lack of acceleration. All of these problems are a result of weak spark plugs as it cannot generate enough power to let the engine function smoothly.

Getting the spark plugs changed on time which is mostly noted in the owner’s manual would assure that the car would be functioning at top efficiency and providing optimum performance. It would also help maintain the fuel efficiency of the car. Getting the spark plugs replaced would also mean that you won’t have trouble starting the car in winter unless there are extreme weather conditions. It is better to get the spark plugs replaced on time to ensure that it doesn’t damage other parts of the car and get the best performance out of the car. The spark plugs replacement can be done by any mechanics near you. Go to a local auto repair shop or hire a mobile mechanics whichever you feel is the best for you.

Battery replacement is necessary on timely intervals to maintain efficiency and to keep the car running efficiently. A weak battery would mean that the car won’t start. Getting the battery checked before every season is necessary as different weather conditions affect the battery. It good to make sure the battery is in good condition for the coming season. A fully charged battery is at 12.6 A anything below it would cause problems. The car battery doesn’t only help start the car, but provides power to the engine, fuel system, internal accessories, vehicle lights and others. The sign of a weak battery is when you notice the headlight or dashboard lights get dim and the car doesn’t start as smoothly as it used to. Once you notice these signs, it is important to get the battery checked. A battery usually lasts for around 3 to 5 years. The battery can also cause problems if the terminals are loose or there are buildup and corrosion around it.

Mechanics suggest you get these parts replaced by professionally trained and certified mechanics to avoid any problems in the future as the parts wearing out quickly or damage to other parts as a result of negligence. The best way to get them replaced is to get your car to a local auto repair shop or hire a mobile mechanic near you that would come to your home or office to provide the service. Mechanics also suggest the owners read the manual to get to know more about the car and the intervals to get the various parts checked or replaced. It would help them get to know more about the car and know exactly when to book the appointment saving them time. If there are any doubts regarding the battery and spark plug replacement, you can consult a mechanic near you for more advice.