
Check out some of our Client Reviews

Customer Testimonails

your mechanic israel... is one of the most dedicated that i have come across!!!, I had my doubts that it would get done the same day... his eye for detail is amazing giving that it was late and he was bent over that car for ten hours or more... he plowed on!!! his work ethic is beyond reproach. you have a great employee... thank you for the great service.

Anthony A. Chicago, IL
Customer Testimonails

This business is very legit and easy starting at the initial quote for pricing. I needed a pre-purchase inspection for a car that I came close to buying. Before doing so I called Otobots and they had Israel come out the same day to inspect the car for me before my final decision.

Chris B. Chicago, IL
Customer Testimonails

So convenient. The mechanic who worked on our car drove up driving the same car so we knew he would know what he was doing. He was running a little late but called to let me know and was still there within 20 mins of the appointment. He figured out the problem quickly. It was an easy fix, so he only charged us the diagnostic fee. Highly recommended!

Cisley M. Chicago, IL
Customer Testimonails

Great experience. Peter did a great job. He was a few mins early, and finished ahead of time. Easy to work with, and did good work. Cleaned up after himself. I will use this service again!

David W. Lemont, IL
Customer Testimonails

Great prices and very convenient! Axel the mechanic was awesome and prompt! It's like Uber for mechanics! If you ever find yourself in trouble....call these guys.

Paul A. Willowbrook, IL
Customer Testimonails

I signed up for Otobots.com last week and scheduled an appointment for this past Saturday. I was impressed! From setting up an account online, scheduling, updates from the mechanic and final closure, this service is very well put together! The mechanic that showed up (on time) was very professional and thorough. The biggest benefit is the fact that they come to you! I also didn't have to worry about any oil stains because Kwame had a mat in place just in case! You guys have my business! I'd encourage others to give it a try!

Shajan K. Chicago, IL
Customer Testimonails

Just got a diagnostic done by Israel from Otobots. He was fast, courteous, on time, kept me aware of what he was doing and really took the time to break down my cars issues. Otobots is an awesome service that I will definitely use again if I have too!

Jon H. Kansas City, MO
Customer Testimonails

Initially scheduled simple brake job but a couple nights before my appt had a cylinder misfire. Otobots Mechanic Jason Collins diagnosed it and repaired it along with my breaks at 50 to 70% of what I would have paid at a regular Garage. The only thing I would like them to improve on is their website for tablet computers but from what I was told that was already being worked on. Also communication with their office was a bit difficult but I attribute that to it being Friday evening after 6. Overall very satisfied with the service, Jason Collins did an excellent and professional job and will def use it again if needed!

Ali M. Westmont, IL
Customer Testimonails

I used Otobots on two separate occasions (my mechanics were Samuel Jones, Sr. and Gabriel Page) and I was more than happy with the service they provided.

Zakia H. USA
Customer Testimonails

Fast, Easy, Convenient, and courteous service ! I Definitely will be recommending Otobots , I had a pre purchase inspection done which was last minute and they were.

Jamie S. USA