Could Simple Maintenance Save You On Car Repair Costs?
When people think about auto repair, they immediately think about the high-priced solutions that are at Repair Shops. This happens a lot, too. You go to an auto body shop and they look under the hood, only to find out that you have a lot of work that needs done. They could give you an estimate for hundreds if not thousands of dollars, causing you to grimace at the price tag. How can one drop the price a bit? Well, that’s the thing about repairing cars, only a few people know how to do it correctly, and everyone else has to pay for the labor and the parts. But there is a way to reduce the overall cost, and it starts with understanding a few tips about maintenance. If you can just do a few simple things, you could reduce the cost of your repair bills outright. Take into consideration the following simple tips.
Use The Right Fuel
Do not go with premium fuel. Premium gasoline is not only going to be expensive, it’s not going to save your engine. In fact, you could end up doing what is called “pinging”, in your car. What this does, is it causes the engine to burn elements a bit faster, and could end up causing your car to end up with an engine fire over time. Now there are some exceptions to this rule, but chances are you are not driving a race car. Only special cars really need the premium gas that stations sell, and it’s not the average consumer. Don’t be fooled, don’t buy premium unless your owner’s manual specifically says that you should, simple as that.
Changing The Oil Properly
Every 3,000 miles, right? Well, that’s no longer the case. Today, you’re going to have to read your owner’s manual carefully. You can always try to go with 3,000-mile oil changes, but if your car isn’t that old, and has been made after 1992, you do not need to follow this rule. In fact, you could cause damage to the parts, especially for those that have to use a special type of motor oil. Read your owner’s manual, follow that as the bottom line, and don’t believe the hype that surrounds changing oil at every 3,000 miles, it’s not necessary.
Do Not Ignore The Lights
The lights on your dashboard are important. If you don’t understand them, then look at the owner’s manual and figure out what is wrong. Do not let the lights come up and ignore them. This includes tire pressure lights, check engine lights, and the dreaded oil light. If you ignore these, chances are to pay big bucks later. Some people have even driven for miles, but there will be a point where your car breaks down, and you’ll end up with a serious issue. Do not ignore the lights, and always double check what the lights mean if you don’t know what is going on. Doing so, will save you from making the costly error of ignoring them. Once you figure out the issue, go to a trusted Mechanic and save money on a bigger issue.